Friday, October 8, 2010

Florence thru an Italian's eyes

Florence was CRAWLING with tourists! Thankfully our host Stefano had made reservations for 4 extra Euro to see the Academia & Ufizzi so we could skip the lines, get our Venus, Da Vinci, Carvaggio and Michelangelo fill. It was neat to see the Italian school kids of 2nd grade or so touring the gallery. But hella lot of people.

The best part of the night is Sucia was staying with an Italian friend of a friend since she was leaving from a flight out of Florence today. He took us to a restaurant called Perseus where we shared the most delectable Florentine meat cooked only the way I liked it, so gets up and walks off the plate. Dang it pays to eat with locals. It was by far the best meal in lieu of stopping in small towns for 10 Euro. Everything else no matter what even by chowhound standards near any metropolis is a tourist trap, but we all are pretty savvy in that regard.

He then took us to his favorite galateria, by far the cheapest and best we had had ! Yes I hopped on someone's free wifi and posted 20 pics of deserts.

I guess the point being having locals is the way to go.

Today we are exhausted and lazy. We are hanging our clothes to dry that Stefano washed. The therme baths are open late so we will peruse down there at some point and probably eat another fine meal in our town with one restaurant and two pizza joints.

BTW, Florence was dirtier than Rome.

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